Friday, December 5, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Tomball College offers an annual Winter Wonderland complete with "snow", train rides, hay rides, pictures with Santa, etc.

Alyssa was so cute with Santa. She wasn't too thrilled about having to sit on his lap, but she needed to make sure he knew what she wanted for Christmas. Daddy tried to get her to ask for an x-box, but she stuck with her goal of getting a Handy Manny Talking Toolbox. I'm still unsure of why she wants that...but Santa better get it or we'll have a tough morning!

Cayden screamed within seconds of hitting Santa's lap. He didn't ask for an x-box either. :( I guess we'll have to wait another year.

This is becoming an annual kid picture. We had a hard time getting Cayden out of the chairs! He wanted to rock-rock all night!
Mommy, Alyssa, PawPaw and Cayden riding the train!

1 comment:

Kyle and Melanie White said...

Surely Cayden will come through for you next year and ask for an X-box. :)