Saturday, November 22, 2008

Holiday Parade!

Today was the Annual Holiday Parade in Tomball. Daddy and Alyssa were very excited because they got to ride in the stagecoach!! Cayden, Mommy, MawMaw and PawPaw got to watch all the fun floats, horses, Shriners cars, etc go by. Daddy and Alyssa were very early in the parade, so we got to watch a lot of the floats near the end. It was a beautiful (and cold) morning.
Cayden is watching intently to see what float is next!!
Alyssa and Daddy riding in the parade!!
What Holiday Parade is complete without Santa & Mrs. Claus? Mrs. Claus must be checking up on things at the North Pole...if you can see, she's on a cell phone!!

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